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ALBUM REVIEW: Love Over Lust - Little By Little

Power-rock duo Love Over Lust has self-released debut album their debut album titled “Little By Little” in their Soundcloud account. They were able to get my attention mainly because of their live performances in Furiosa and in other live footages of them playing in a bar gig somewhere in QC and in Makati. The album holds around 10 tracks and all of them share the sound of garage-rock, blues, or sometimes heavy metal at one angle in one of their songs. The first track titled “Vices Grip” makes me cringe at how badly executed this track is. The mic effect here just doesn’t fit it. The second track “Poison” picks everything up by having that powerful two-man band dynamic.

This band isn’t anything like The Black Keys but they’re trying to be at the very least. Lover Over Lust’s aim here is to make enjoyable songs and 5 songs in, I could barely even enjoy one of these tracks without thinking that their lead guitarist hasn’t drunk any water before recording their songs. Their sixth track “Gossips” was painfully boring, I could even identify the guitar riffs they used in the third or fourth track if I’m not mistaken. This project felt like it was a cycle of the same music blues rock music my dad would play over his stereo in the afternoon.

Overall, Their technical performances here are undeniably enjoyable but the overall mixing doesn’t really justify the enjoyment that they’re trying to keep in this record. These are the type of albums where the discussion is only based on the past and in the past only. Love Over Lust’s sound can only remain in the past and it must stay in the past with all due respect.


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